21 research outputs found

    Architektura gridu bazodanowego oparta o podej艣cie peer-to-peer

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    W artykule autorzy przedstawiaj膮 zaimplementowane i zweryfikowane poprzez w pe艂ni funkcjonalny prototyp, podej艣cie do realizacji obiektowego gridu bazodanowego przy wykorzystaniu wirtualnej sieci peer-to-peer omawiaj膮c szczeg贸艂owo najwa偶niejszy element mechanizmu jakim jest proces integracji rozproszonych obiekt贸w. W artykule przeprowadzono gruntown膮 analiz臋 rozwi膮za艅 b臋d膮cych fundamentalnym zbiorem wiedzy na temat integracji danych. Zaprezentowano tr贸jwarstwowy model intagracyjny oparty o aktualizowalne obiektowe perspektywy oraz prototyp gridowej warstwy po艣redniej wykorzystuj膮cej sie膰 wirtualn膮 peer-to-peer.In the article authors present an approach for realisation of object-oriented database grid using virtual peer-to-peer networking. The approach has been verified by implementation of fully functional prototype. The article shows in details a process for integration of distributed objects which is provided by the core mechanism of the prototype. Authors also described three-layer integration model based on obiect-oriented updateable views and middleware prototype containing mentioned peer-to-peer solution. Moreover the article contains analysis of solutions being the fundamental knowledge about integration of data

    Przezroczysta integracja zasob贸w relacyjnych do obiektowego wirtualnego repozytorium

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    Prezentowana w artykule idea polega na wirtualnej integracji rozproszonych heterogenicznych zasob贸w bazodanowych w scentralizowan膮, jednorodn膮, sp贸jn膮 i pozbawion膮 fragmentacji oraz nadmiarowo艣ci ca艂o艣膰 tworz膮c膮 wirtualne repozytorium zapewniaj膮ce pewne powszechne funkcjonalno艣ci i us艂ugi, w艂膮czaj膮c w to infrastruktur臋 zaufania (bezpiecze艅stwo, prywatno艣膰, licencjonowanie, p艂atno艣ci, itp.), Web Services, rozproszone transakcje, zarz膮dzanie procesami (workflow management), itd. Opisane poni偶ej metody integracji skupiaj膮 si臋 w艂a艣nie na najpopularniejszych zasobach relacyjnych, do kt贸rych zostaje umo偶liwiony w pe艂ni przezroczysty dost臋p poprzez niezwykle elastyczny obiektowy j臋zyk zapyta艅. Opracowane specjalnie do tego celu mechanizmy optymalizacyjne stanowi膮 kombinacj臋 dedykowanych technik obiektowych z niezwykle wydajnymi optymalizatorami relacyjnymi.The presented idea aims to virtually integrate distributed heterogeneous database resources into a centralised consistent and non-fragmented and non-redundant whole creating a virtual repository. The repository provides common functionalities and services, including trust infrastructure (like security, privacy, licensing, payments), Web Services, distributed transactions, workflow management, etc. The described integration methods focus on the most popular and commonly used relational resources. Such resources become fully transparently accessible with an extremely flexible object-oriented query language. The dedicated optimisation mechanisms are a combination of object-oriented techni膮ues and very efficient relational optimisers

    Query Optimization by Indexing in the ODRA OODBMS

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    We present features and samples of use of the index optimizer module which has been implemented and tested in the ODRA prototype system. The ODRA index implementation is based on linear hashing and works in a scope of a standalone database. The solution is adaptable to distributed environments in order to optimally utilize data grid computational resources. The implementation consists of transparent optimization, automatic index updating and management facilities

    On distributed data processing in data grid architecture for a virtual repository

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    The article describes the problem of integration of distributed, heterogeneous and fragmented collections of data with application of the virtual repository and the data grid concept. The technology involves: wrappers enveloping external resources, a virtual network (based on the peer-topeer technology) responsible for integration of data into one global schema and a distributed index for speeding-up data retrieval. Authors present a method for obtaining data from heterogeneously structured external databases and then a procedure of integration the data to one, commonly available, global schema. The core of the described solution is based on the Stack-Based Query Language (SBQL) and virtual updatable SBQL views. The system transport and indexing layer is based on the P2P architecture